Clenching and Grinding is a Sign
If you have been told you are clenching and grinding your teeth at night it’s time to schedule an appointment with Sturm & Associates.
According to your Yorkville dentist, while you may not notice it yourself, clenching and grinding will affect your bite and your teeth and gums. Chronic clenchers and grinders are also more prone to dental restoration problems.
Toronto’s favourite dentist is also a certified dental sleep medicine specialist who helps people with jaw problems find a solution.
What Causes Clenching and Grinding
While clenching and grinding is caused by stress, it can also be a sign of crooked or misaligned teeth or something more sinister such as obstructive sleep apnea.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Dr. Judy Sturm is a licensed and experienced sleep disorder dentist who diagnoses and treats OSA or obstructive sleep apnea.
If you follow this blog, and you really should, you will remember that OSA is a disorder that causes a person to wake up during the night, sometimes as many as thirty times every hour.
As you can imagine this can be extremely painful for the person who suffers and for the observer. If you have to wake someone up because they can’t breathe while sleeping you know how anxious it makes you feel.
With that being said, obstructive sleep apnea isn’t the only thing that causes someone to clench and grind.
Snoring Clenching and Grinding
People who snore are often caught clenching and grinding and for whatever reason the two seem to go hand in hand.
If you or someone you know snores talk to your sleep medicine dentist in Yorkville about oral appliance therapy. It just may help both problems.
Clenching Grinding and TMJD
Temporomandibular joint disorder is something that happens when your upper and lower jaw joints aren’t working. If that happens it affects your entire chewing system.
For example, people who have TMJD often wake with headaches or hear a popping sound when they open and close their mouth. If this is happening to you it could be a sign of something more serious.
No More Suffering with Sturm & Associates
You don’t have to suffer from clenching and grinding, OSA or obstructive sleep apnea. Call or send a direct message and get a dental sleep medicine evaluation in Yorkville today. You will be glad you did and so will everyone else in the household.
Send a text to Sturm & Associates now.