Dental Implants and Missing Teeth
If your missing teeth have been giving you problems it’s time to call and schedule a dental implants consultation with Sturm & Associates.
Missing teeth are no fun. Not only do they cause problems when you eat and talk, they also cause issues with your other teeth.
Missing Teeth and Other Teeth
According to Dr. Judy Sturm missing teeth will cause your other teeth to shift and move. This is because the other teeth are doing their best to compensate for the missing space or spaces.
When this happens it is most likely causing issues with your jaw as well. People often compensate with missing teeth by chewing on one side all the time. Compensating could put the temporomandibular joint out of alignment.
This causes pain and soreness among other things. Known as TMJD or temporomandibular joint disorder it will cause headaches and neck aches. TMJD can even cause you to clench and grind your teeth.
The best way to prevent bite problems is to replace missing teeth. While dentures and bridges replace missing teeth they aren’t the strongest solution.
Dental Implants and Missing Teeth
The only replacement to consider for missing teeth is dental implants. While bridges, partials and dentures do fill the space they aren’t as sturdy as implants. They will also have to be replaced from time to time.
Because implants are surgically placed in or on your bone they go through a process known as osseointegration. This phenomenon causes the bone to fuse to the post or screw.
Dental implant posts or screws are manufactured from steel or biodegradable materials that are used for patients who are allergic to metal.
Dental Implants Healing Time
If Dr. Sturm and her associates determine you are a good candidate for dental implants you can expect healing to take from 9 to 12 months after your last surgery.
Because some have a loss of bone, Dr. Sturm and her associates may also have to perform a bone graft as well.
If you require bone grafting surgery you can expect your healing to take a little bit longer. However, for some the fusing process only takes six months. It all depends on the patient.
Dental Implants and You
If you smoke, are a chronic consumer of alcohol or suffer from some systemic diseases you and implants may not be a good fit.
People with a history of immune problems may fare better with other types of restorations as well.
If you would like to learn more about dental implants for missing teeth call or send a direct message and schedule an appointment with Sturm & Associates today.